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Τρίτη 12 Απριλίου 2011


Posted by hackaday on 1:52 μ.μ. No comments

 "Akina is a villain with a button fetish. She attacks teddy bears to steal their button eyes!" That is how Sydney based artist Lang Leav is describing her label, Akina. Lang blends poetry and fashion artistically with little portions of Cosplay giving an awsome result to her designs.

 Her handmade books feature beautiful stories accompanied with the sweetest but avant garde images at the same time, starring strange little girls.

 Her talent is moving to fashion design as well, with a wide range of clothing and accessories.

If you want to see more of Lang's beautiful designs or read some of her amazing poems, just visit her website!

Audio: Pizzicato Five - Playboy, Playgirl

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